Stewart plays the role of Cheddar at a police comedy show called Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Cheddar is the beloved pet of Captain Raymond Holt and his partner, Kevin. Stewart plays an adorable, well-trained, and smart corgi on the show, much like how he really is in real life.
A few other corgis have played Cheddar, but only Stewart appeared the longest on the show. He’s played the role numerous times because of his ability to charm not only the audience but the cast also. It seemed the part was made for him and his natural talent for making people laugh!
It was the saddest news that Stewart passed at the age of 13 last 2019. His parents described him as cheerful and energetic in many ways. They announced his passing on the Instagram account that Stewart shares with his sibling, Stella, who is as cute and adorable as Stewart was. Stella now plays Cheddar on the show and is charming hearts just like her brother.
Many people sent their compassion and warm thoughts to Stewart’s parents, who consider him a “supaah staah.” In his Instagram post, Stewart’s owner mentioned that they hung out at the beach, had a lunch of burgers, and enjoyed each other’s company the day the vet put Stewart to a peaceful sleep.
Not just that day, Stewart had fun and happiness every day with his humans. Browsing through his account, you can feel his owner’s deep love for Stewart. Captioned “My Precious Boy Stewart Crossed The Rainbow Bridge Today,” it was a peaceful and fun beach day that Stewart and his fur parents shared for the last time.
Throughout the show, Stella continued Stewart’s legacy. Other than physical similarities, they both know how to be adorable. Stella learned some tips and tricks from his brother on how to hook hearts and be an unforgettable part of the family.
Images courtesy of Stewart and Stella’s Instagram account